Sunday, March 27, 2011


Never a dull moment...

Yesterday and today, we had soft boiled eggs at breakfast. Yesterday I had a brief time when I felt faint but it passed quickly. Today I got maybe too brave and tried two of them. About 30 minutes later I was taking a shower and got so dizzy I had to sit down. After a couple minutes it got better so I finished my shower. My head felt like one of those toy balls that is a ball-inside-a-ball, and the inside ball rolls around. An hour or so later I was fine. At the same time I had a little stomach discomfort then it too went away. Tonight I feel weak and tired but not sick like this morning.

What in the world was that? My tendency is to think detox/die off reaction, but it will take a couple more days to know for sure. My reaction to eggs has been completely different each of the 3 times I have tried them. I went from diarrhea 3 hours later, to painful gas, to this weird dizziness thing. Seems like the reaction is improving, not growing worse, since I'm not having digestive problems. Though I'm not a huge fan of feeling yucky, it seems like my only choice is to keep trying egg every day until it either gets better or worse.

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