Saturday, February 26, 2011

Flu, go away

Woke up this morning still feeling very faint. I could do things for a short time and then would have to quickly sit down so I didn't fall over. Slowly, I managed to do some needed work in the kitchen, including baking some muffins from a recipe in the gaps book. The ingredients are ground almonds, baked smashed butternut squash, and coconut oil. I added a few blueberries. These are nothing amazing, but they are a little sweet and with some tweaking you could make some fairly tasty muffins. I really could use a food processor. I have a high quality blender, but it just doesn't grind nuts as fine as I'd like, and I want to presoak nuts as much as possible. Another thing for the budget... Anyway, the extra carbs seem to have done the trick to get rid of the faintness! Now I just feel like I have a headcold, not too bad. Nick still has fever today and isn't feeling so great yet.

My milk supply has been low the past few days, I'm sure partially because of the fever, but the extra carbs should help me recover some of that.

Hannah and Audrey have been eating decently. Hannah happily drank several ounces of broth and ate chicken and butternut squash for lunch, when promised a muffin. Audrey is struggling a bit more. I may need to supplement some HCL for her because I suspect she is lacking stomach acid, which makes it hard for her to chew and swallow.

Yesterday I attempted to add egg yolk to my diet. Within three hours I had all my familiar symptoms of egg intolerance. Bleh. Though I have to say, when you eat like this, things that bother you do not stay in you long....ahem. I may wait quite awhile before trying them again.

I have done so many elimination diets over the years that I can pretty much predict what's going to happen when we try to reintroduce foods. It may be a few months before we are able to add things that have bothered us. At this point, I think I may skip the dairy and egg and keep moving forward with the intro steps, for me and maybe Hannah anyway. Audrey has been handling egg better since her allergy treatment for it, but Hannah has had diarrhea from it. Nick has never had any trouble with egg and so far neither has Tess.

There's this mild feeling of being completely in over my head that I'm starting to get adjusted to while doing this. It's easy to worry - how will I know? When can I...? What will this do? Are we on the right track? How long will this take? For the most part, I tell those thoughts to shush. :) It would be relatively easy to do with one child. You could really focus all your attention on them and how they are. It's much harder with five of us, keeping track of everybody's BM's and what they've had and not had that day and what stage we're at and what things each person has tried.

We have not started a strict intro diet even with the kids, since they would not take broth at first. I'm hopeful we can "back into it" with them, at least for a short time. I think I have done as much stage 1 and 2 as my body can take while breastfeeding (thanks to the flu), but I suspect I could stay on stage 4 or maybe even 3 for quite a while and be fine. I plan to attempt introducing ghee as soon as I have a day of feeling good again.

I typed up an Intro Stage Summary, to keep on the fridge for reference. I'll cut and paste into a post, in case anyone is curious. All this info is online at the GAPS site, this is just my condensing into a shorter format, excluding recipes and instruction.

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