Sunday, February 27, 2011

What to say...

My mind is reeling a bit tonight. There are so many variables with this diet, and through the die-off brain fog, I'm having a hard time keeping track of them.

The flu seems to be over, thankfully. Nick is still dragging a bit, but recovering. I feel better but still rather weak.

Tonight at dinner, Hannah ate a whole bowl of soup! Audrey struggled more, but with some kind, patient attention, she also did well. Tess had diarrhea all day today. We had been cutting up food and allowing her to pick it up off her high chair tray, but all the veggies are coming out whole, in spite of cutting them small. She's just not chewing well yet. I got out the baby food mill and put some soup through it tonight and she ate, but was not very happy and cried a lot during dinner, which is hard on me.

Tess has just not been herself recently and I miss my easy-going kid. She's getting molars and eye teeth too I think, and is just miserable. But with all the sickness of the past month, it starts to feel like it will never end.

Something bothered me a bit today, some gas and digestive pain. We ate lunch in the car on the run today which was stressful. I'm hoping that's all it was.

We have almost eaten all the fruit in the house and I'm determined not to buy more for at least a couple weeks. If we want to be able to eat egg and dairy, we need to do this the right way. I have a sense of impending dread about this though. The girls and I don't tolerate much honey, and sugar free is something I've never wanted to all. Bleh.

Right now we are eating about intro stage three, but had been cheating with fruit. I don't think I will go back to one and two because of how faint I was without the extra carbs, but we could stay at three for a couple weeks, or however ling we need to. So far, none of us (except Tess today) has really dealt with diarrhea. I don't know if that's because we've cheated some, or if we just already know what causes us problems? I'm beginning to wonder if we might move through intro very quickly, once we start it for real.

We all took our Bio-kult this morning. One cap for nick and me, and 1/2 for the big girls and a taste for Tess. We already have been taking probiotics regularly, so I figure I'll start there and back off if necessary. Upon further research, in the future I will order from They have an 11-strain one, to which I will have them add s. Thermophilus, which is a bacteria strain known to help with lactose intolerance. The full adult dose recommended on gaps is the "baby" scoop, of which $100 of probiotics allows 500 servings. MUCH cheaper than anything out there, and no additives! I finally found a probiotic I would recommend to people!

1 comment:

  1. Praise be to God that the girls are more accepting of soup! I read in a baby food book that it takes a minimum of 15 tries before a child/baby will start to accept the food they are not sure of. Good job on the gentle persistence Sara!

    Thanks for the recommendation of the probiotics - such a great help as I've been frustrated with what Vitamin Cottage sells and I wasn't willing to buy an extremely expensive, but good quality probiotic from there.
